[image] nativeman [message]

23th of July, 1587. Roanoke Island.

The next day, you and the company walked to the North side of the island, where you found the houses that the Englishmen had built to be in good condition, but still no sight of the men. After hours of searching, you had lost all hope of finding the men. The same day order was given, that every man should be employed for the repayring of those houses, which wee found standing, and also to make other new Cottages, for such as should neede. The 25th of July, the rest of the planters and company who travelled with you from Portesmouth arrived. White had made you the leader of an expedition to Croatoan, and you looked forward to having this kind of responsibility.In the following days, you and nineteen other men passed by the Island of Croatoan. When you first set foot on the island, the people who live there, armed with bows and arrows, seem to want to fight you. You have to make a decision quickly. [option] You order the men to open fire on the natives immediately. They are a threat, and you do not want any of your men killed. ->file 2.0 [option] You stand your ground and order your men to hold fire. The Croatoan natives could help your people to come by food. ->file 1.5