
27th of August, 1587. Roanoke colony.

Early in the morning, governor White departed with the ship that would take him back to England. In the already warm sun, you watched the ship disappear at the horizon. ''Roanoke would be a perfect place to start again, if it was not so extremely hot,'' you thought. During the month you had spent on the island, the temperature in the afternoons was unbearable, and the whole company stayed in the shade during the largest part of the day. Fresh water was also not easy to come by. Even though you and the company had dug holes in the sandy hills, where you had found fresh water, these water sources would go dry after two days of being exposed to the sun. As leader of the colony, you had to decide what your first step would be in establishing a good base for a new village. The warm climate made it comfortable to sleep outside, so housing was not your first priority. Food and water, however, were necessary to keep the company in good health, and alive. The decision you made to open fire on the Croatoans had ruined all your chances to trade with them for food. You call the whole company together that night. ''Tomorrow,'' you say, ''we will start creating a base for our new colony.'' [option] Even though you have heard talk of the inland being filled with savages, and you still had the events on Croatoan island printed in your memory, you say ''I will send an expedition of 30 men inland, to find more shaded water sources.'' ->file 2.4 [option] Because you are scared to run into hostile natives while going inland, you decide to wait with finding more stable water supplies. ''All the planters will determine a suitable place for a garden, and start growing crops.'' ->file end4